The complete answers to exercises is included in the answers version for instructors (including “hard-core” exercises later in the text). With this, it is easy for me to move answers in or out of the Selected Answers. Short of including them all, if you think some answer(s) should or should not be included among the Selected Answers, let me know. T.R.
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Hi, I found Symbolic Logic online and am using it for self-study. Thank you so much for making it freely available! The selected answers I was able to download are very useful for checking my understanding as I progress. Is there any way I can access the complete answers? Thanks for your time!
I am sorry, the complete answers are meant just for instructors, to aid with quickly scanning and correcting work. In fact, I think it is best for students *not* to have access to the complete answers. The selected answers are, as you say, useful for checking understanding. But unanswered exercises are important too — so that there are problems you have to think through in detail, without giving in to the (very natural) temptation to “skate” through before you’ve solved them yourself. It’s this process of thinking through exercises that results in learning (to do) logic!
I hope the text continues to be useful to you!